Sunday, October 9, 2016

10 Japanese Question Word:なん / なに

6.     なん・なに (What)

Note:   "なん" is used when it is followed by a counter (ex, sai, nensei, ji, etc.); if the word is not a counter, the general guideline is: if the word that follows it starts with the 'ta', 'na', and 'da' group. Ex, "nan desuka" "なに" is used. When it is followed by a particle (ex, を、も、か etc.) or by a word that starts other than the ones mentioned above, なん is used.

What nationality are you?                           Nanijin desu ka.
How old are you?                                        Nansai desu ka.               
What is the time?                                        Nanji desu ka.
What is your telephone number?                Denwa bangou wa nan desu ka.
What year (in school) are you?                   Nan nensei desu ka.      

                First year student            -              ichinensei
                Second year student      -                ninensei
                Third year student           -              sannensei
                Fourth year student       -                yonensei


What is your name?        
How old is your mother?              
Takeshi, what is your major?      
Inuki, what year are you?             
What is the nationality of your father?

What is Takeshi's major?              

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